Join us for the Mini-Yin Retreat for Lovers

Deepening Your Yoga Practice

Yoga Sol provides opportunities for students interested in more in-depth study of the practices of Yoga, as well as continuing education for existing Yoga teachers.

Mini-Yin Yoga Retreat for Lovers

With Megan Hall and Liz klug

Saturday, February 17


Take time to nourish your heart, relax your body, and expand your mind. Join Megan and Liz and treat yourself to some self love embedded in the sanctuary of community at Yoga Sol. Enjoy a deep heart-centered yin yoga sequence with healing hands-on adjustments and enhancements with live healing musical vibrations. Solos, couples, polycules, queers; all lovers of life welcome. No experience needed. Space limited, reserve your spot.

Inversions Workshops

with Liz Klug

Monday, February 19th 10:30am- Noon

Build strength and mobility in your body. Enhance your brain health. Embrace the power of your heart over your head! Join Liz for a deep dive into inversions. We will focus on headstand, forearm stand, handstand and shoulderstand with a couple of surprises. Previous yoga experience required: Please have stability and strength in your downward dog, forward folds, standing poses and a deep willingness and curiosity in your mind.

Yoga Mentorship

For Advancing Practitioners

Experienced Yoga practitioner and long time teacher, Liz Klug, is currently offering in depth yoga training to existing yoga teachers or aspiring mature practitioners who are looking to embody the principles and practices of Yoga in their daily lives. Sessions occur weekly or monthly for a commitment of 3 months. Limited slots are available for booking by contacting Liz (

Receive personalized attention and practices that promote your growth and stability. Liz offers instruction in meditation, mudra, mantra, breath work, posture work, self reflection, communication, and visualization.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Certified through Yoga Alliance

Next training dates have not been set.

The format is deeply integrated and transformational. This format is one of a kind, offering a an immersive and supported experience of integrating Yoga into your daily life. Only 5 trainees will be accepted. The format meets weekly on Friday mornings from 9-12 and includes participation in one weekly public class. Trainees should be experienced practitioners, having practiced Yoga for at least one year prior to enrollment. The course lasts 10 months. Contact Liz for more information!

One Yoga™ Teacher training provides tools for personal and social transformation. Our focus is on the system of Yoga as an effective and accessible means for integrative health of body, mind,  heart, and spirit. This training provides competency in how to teach alignment based hatha yoga classes, breath centered vinyasa classes, yin/restorative yoga classes, breathwork and meditation classes, and the basics for applying yoga therapeutically.

Learning Objectives

  • To be able to give basic instruction of yoga postures, breath practices, and meditation practices to all levels of student.
  • To understand the universal alignment principles and their application.
  • To understand overarching philosophical principles that can support the practices and experiences of Yoga.
  • To be able to offer precise alignment application of yoga postures and breath techniques to all levels of student for healing benefit.
  • To become practitioners of an integrative health lifestyle


After offering 4 yoga teacher trainings, Liz has found a deeply integrated and personal approach. The course runs for 10 months and meets weekly! Class is held on Fridays from 9-12. In addition, trainees attend the Sunday 9:30-11am class.

Dates and Times

April 2022- January 2023

Fridays 9-12 weekly and weekly public class attendance


The cost of the training is $4750 if paid in full before training.

The cost of the training is $500 per month if payment schedule is preferred over 10 months, option to pay $417 a month for 12 months.

There are a couple of partial scholarships available for those with unique circumstances. Inquire more with Liz.


You must first attend class with Liz, meet her, see if her style is compatible with your hopes for teacher training. If you liked the class, Email to begin the application process. The process includes a co-interview where you and Liz can ask each other questions and a written application.

Sundays 9:30am Intermediate

Wednesdays 9-10:15am All Levels

Email Lead Instructor, Liz Klug, for more